Medicare has contracted with Quality insights to provide free Diabetes Self-management classes to Medicare beneficiaries and their families/caregivers. This is an outreach program in which Medicare is focusing on reducing the number of Diabetes induced complications like Heart Attack/Stroke, Kidney Failure and Foot/Leg Amputations. This program consists of 6 sessions, each 1 1/2 hours in length on Tuesdays and Thursdays for 3 weeks. The classes are interactive and participant driven. The class works on problem solving and goals to achieve a healthier lifestyle and the class are FUN! You receive prizes for attending, goal setting and playing Diabetes BINGO!. Even though this is a Medicare program, family members, caregivers, or anyone who wants to learn about Diabetes is welcome. To register contact Angela Alwood, LPN at 877-346-6180 EXT.7625 or