B'nai B'rith Youth Organization

Jason Cohen and Jack Kottler

Jason Cohen | Chapter Advisor
BBYO is the leading pluralistic teen movement aspiring to involve more Jewish teens in more meaningful
Jewish experiences. For one hundred years, BBYO has provided exceptional identity enrichment and
leadership development experiences for hundreds of thousands of Jewish teens all around the globe.
Harrisburg AZA/BBG is the largest youth group in Harrisburg. Programming revolves around leadership,
community service, social advocacy, athletics and brotherhood/sisterhood activities all with a Judaic
base. Programs include regular chapter meetings, regional conventions and local events such as apple
picking, bowling, snow tubing and holiday related activities such as our Hanukkah themed Latkafest
event. Any Jewish teen is welcome from 8th-12th grade. Any question about future events we can be
reached at harrisburgazaadvisors@gmail.com.