Jewish Federation of Greater Harrisburg's
Annual Campaign

Even in these uncertain times, we push forward.
Now is our opportunity to come together as a community to help grow, strengthen, and protect both the Greater Harrisburg Jewish Community and the global Jewish community.  Your dollars will help us support critical needs and grow the vibrant Jewish community we are nurturing here in Harrisburg. 


Our ongoing transition to the Alexander Grass Campus for Jewish Life is a perfect example of that work that must go on.  Now more than ever, we ask for your continued support in this work so we can further develop the new home that will inspire and ignite innovative programs - and become a new place to convene for our community.


When you help us kindle the flame you join us in:

  • Educating and Inspiring current and future Jewish leaders through our Adult Education, Camp, Theater, and Early Learning Center programs. 

  • Providing for our Seniors with much needed connectivity, programming, and kosher meals twice a week!

  • Serving as a Central Convener for Sports, Fitness, Arts and Culture, Adult and Youth programs, and important community gatherings at the very time when they are most needed.


With your generous support, we kindle the flame to:

  • Combat Antisemitism through education, advocacy, and interfaith outreach. 

  • Secure our community through physical infrastructure, cutting edge technology, and an investment in comprehensive security planning with our new Regional Security Advisor. 

  • Support our community agencies, day school, and our brothers and sisters in Israel through the allocation of much needed funds and resources.


Please join us in this year’s campaign by making your gift today!

For more information on our campaign, mult-year giving, naming opportunities, and more, contact Beth at 717-236-9555 x 3204.

Giving Societies of JFGH

Ben Gurion Society

The Ben Gurion Society is a donor recognition program for ages 25-45 who make a minimum individual/household gift of at least $1,000 to their Federation's annual campaign.

Cardozo Society

Affinity group comprised of attorneys and judges in the Greater Harrisburg Area. Learn more here.

Haverim Society

An initiative to engage former Harrisburg residents who are committed to ensuring the continuity of the Harrisburg Jewish community. Your donations through this society provides for grants in support of Jewish organizations in the community. Click to learn more.

Maimonides Society

To promote fellowship among Jewish health care professionals in the greater Harrisburg area. Click to learn more.

Nachshon Society


A group of families and individuals who have made a gift to the Annual Campaign totaling a minimum of $100,000 over a period of ten years. Click here to learn more.

Women's Philanthropy

Composed of dedicated women whose efforts support the philanthropic mission of the community. Click to learn more.