• 8-10 children will be placed in a group with 2 staff members
• Each group will stay together all day with little to no interaction with other groups.
• Drop off and pick up will be done curbside to restrict parents and visitors from entering the JCC.
What YOU can do: When not at the JCC, please use masks when around others to limit exposure to anyone who might have been exposed to COVID-19.
• Each group will have limited to no interaction with other groups during the day.
• No contact sports will be played.
• There will be no field trips, large group gatherings, or overnights.
• Lunch and snacks will be eaten in each group’s home base.
What YOU can do: Use proper protocols from our local government and guidance from the CDC to ensure you are staying socially distant – Stay 6 feet from others, wear a mask, etc.
• All children, staff members, and parents transporting children will have their temperature checked daily.
• All children and staff members will complete a health screening questionnaire on a daily basis.
• Anyone with symptoms of COVID-19, such as cough, shortness of breath, chills, new loss of taste or smell, and/ or a temperature of 100.0 degrees or greater will be required to stay home until they are fever free for 48 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication.
What YOU can do: Don’t send your kids to Summer Break at the JCC if they aren’t feeling well. Monitor temperature at home daily. No fever reducing medication can be given before dropping off children at the JCC.
•Staff will be required to wear masks while working
•Children will also be required to wear masks.
•Children will each have their own craft set to limit shared materials.
•All children and staff will wash hands frequently and will utilize hand sanitizer when hand washing is unavailable.
• Equipment will be sanitized after each use.
What YOU can do: Encourage hand washing often at home as well as at the JCC. Sanitize your toys, balls, and often-touched surfaces at home as we will do at the JCC.