Dear Members and friends,
Due to concerns stemming from the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, our executive board and staff have made the difficult decision to close the Harrisburg JCC effective today, Monday, March 16 at 6pm through at least April 1st. This applies to all programming in our building, including the Brenner Family Early Learning Center.
We will use the coming days to determine how to continue serving our community in the safest possible ways. We are awaiting feedback from the Governor's office and Dr. Rachel Levine (PA Health Secretary) to learn about the timeline of our closure which is state mandated. Keep an eye on our email communications, social media, and website during this time. To sign up for email updates, click here. You can also visit this page for more info and updates. Virtual Programming can be found here.
At this time, we are not aware of any individuals who have tested positive in the JCC community, but there already have been five confirmed cases in Cumberland County. We believe it is our responsibility to take proactive measures to ensure the continued health of our community, including building closure. Your first priority is you and your family’s health and well-being. We are also committed to continuing to serve our community, and are exploring many options to do that, including virtually or in ways that provide for social distancing.
In addition, all events expecting 50 or more people held at the JCC through May 14 will be cancelled, postponed, or transitioned to a virtual program in accordance with CDC guidance. For ongoing information from the CDC on how to protect yourself and community, click here.
During this process, we are actively reviewing how the closure of our building and suspension of certain services affects member dues, fees, and other expenses. We promise to share updates on these topics as they become available.
This is a difficult time for all of us. We are strongest as a community, and at times like these, it is important to continue to engage and interact with each other in a safe way. We look forward to re-opening our doors and welcoming you back into the JCC, the hub of Jewish life in Harrisburg. We are appreciative of our community members, staff, and fellow agencies who continue to stand beside us during this period.
Please let us know how we can support you. We plan to share regular updates and communications and hope to use this time in a meaningful way to be here for our community.
Wishing you all the best,
Jennifer Ross
President & CEO