Press Releases

News, Announcements, and Updates from the Federation

ELC Fundraiser Promotes Guardianship of the Earth

One of the most important Jewish values is Shomrei Adamah, being the guardian of the earth. It sounds a little like being a superhero, right?

At the JCC Brenner Family Early Learning Center, this teaching is one of our most important precepts. A major part of our curriculum involves our sch…

Statement in Response to Events of 1/6/21 in Washington D.C.

The Jewish Federation of Greater Harrisburg and the Jewish Community Relations Council of Harrisburg condemn the undemocratic actions at the U.S. Capitol on January 6th, 2021. This attempt to prevent a smooth transition of power was rooted in extremism and displayed symbols of hate and anti…

JCC Sports, Fitness, and Recreation Resumes 1/4/21

Dear Friends,

Thank you for your patience and support during the recent temporary suspension of in-person Sports, Fitness, and Recreation activities at the  Harrisburg JCC. Per Gov. Wolf’s announcement on December 30, we will be permitted to resume previously opened fitness activities b…

JCC to Temporarily Suspend In-Person SFR Activities Effective 12/12 - 1/4

Dear Members and Friends,

In accordance with PA Governor Tom Wolf's newest
COVID-19 mitigation measures, the Harrisburg JCC will temporarily cease all in-person Sports, Fitness, and Recreation (SFR) activities beginning Saturday, December 12 until at least January 4th at 8am.

Our building…

Responding to the Desecration of Kesher Israel Congregation

Our community was horrified yesterday to learn that Kesher Israel Congregation was desecrated with two swastikas painted on their building at 2500 North Third Street.  Although KI was able to remove the physical markings, the pain of this act of hatred remains. The Mayor’s Interfaith Advi…